Showing posts with label Scott Lorenz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scott Lorenz. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Attending Writers’ Conferences Put Authors on the Road to Success

The information below is a GUEST BLOG POST by book publicist Scott Lorenz.
There are several good reasons why writers should invest the time and effort required to attend writers’ conferences.
Attending a writers’ conference only takes a few hours, or a couple days at the most, a small investment, and a little effort to register and arrange travel and lodging, but the payoff can be big.
Attending a writers’ conference gives you a great chance to pitch your book, learn about the major publishing houses, meet book editors, agents and book marketing specialists. If your book is six months or a year from being finished, you can meet people who will give you valuable ideas on shaping your book and provide other advice to help you wrap up your project when you return home.
Or maybe you have been working on your book for a few months and are feeling insecure or unsure whether you really can be a published author. Attending a conference is a good way to get a reality check from book editors to get a professional opinion on your plot and characters and to determine whether you are on the right track.
Most importantly, attending a writers’ conference provides you with an opportunity to learn about the publishing business from fellow authors.  You will also get honest and helpful professional assessments from book editors that will be more than worth the cost and effort of attending the conference.
Of course, you will want to prepare for any writers’ conference you attend by having a plan of what you want to find out and what you will do while there. You will want to develop an ‘elevator pitch’ of your book that you can deliver in 30 seconds. Have a one pager available with your book cover, author headshot, short 50 word synopsis, short bio, website URL, Twitter handle and your contact information. You never know who’ll you’ll meet so be prepared for that moment.
Now that you are ready, here are some writers’ conferences that you should consider attending:

Willamette Writers Conference
Aug 7-9, 2015

Fifth House Lodge:  The Remembered Self: A Weekend Workshop
Aug 15 - 16, 2015

San Francisco Writing for Change Conference
Sep 12, 2015

Kentucky Women’s Writers Conference
Sep 11-12, 2015

American Christian Fiction Writers Conference
Sept. 17-20, 2015

Florida Heritage Book Festival & Writers Conference
Sep 24-26, 2015

Southern California Writers’ Conference
Sep 25-27, 2015

Chicago Writers Conference
Sep 25-27, 2015

St. Augustine Writers Conference
Oct 1-6, 2015

Write on the Sound Writers’ Conference and Pre-Conference
Oct. 2-4, 2015

Breathe Christian Writers Conference
Oct 9-10, 2015

New York Writers Workshop: Pitch Conference & Workshops
Oct 16-18, 2015      Nov 13-15, 2015

Castle Rock Writers Conference
Nov 6-7, 2015

Select a writers’ conference of interest to you and be prepared to enjoy the benefits of meeting other writers, acquiring knowledge you can use immediately, learn about different genres, find a new market for your book, elevate your professional effectiveness, meet editors, agents and publishers, become inspired and return home energized.

The Bottom Line: Make a commitment to attend at least one writers’ conference in 2015. You’ll be glad you did!

Book publicist Scott Lorenz is President of Westwind Communications Book Marketing, a public relations and marketing firm that has a special knack for working with authors to help them get all the publicity they deserve and more. Lorenz works with bestselling authors and self-published authors promoting all types of books, whether it's their first book or their 15th book. He's handled publicity for books by CEOs, CIA Officers, Navy SEALS, Homemakers, Fitness Gurus, Doctors, Lawyers and Adventurers. His clients have been featured by Good Morning America, FOX & Friends, CNN, ABC News, New York Times, Nightline, TIME, PBS, LA Times, USA Today, Washington Post, Woman's World, & Howard Stern to name a few.

Learn more about Westwind Communications’ book marketing approach at  or contact Lorenz at or by phone at 734-667-2090. Follow Lorenz on Twitter @aBookPublicist 

Monday, November 24, 2014

Must-Have iPhone Apps for Authors & Writers

Hi fellow bloggers!
Once again, my colleague has offered to write a blog post for my blog :)
For all you techies out there, this post is for you!

As a modern day writer, you've learned when and where you write best. Rarely, I'm sure, does inspiration strike when you're seated at your desk in front of your computer at 9:00am. More likely, you're inspired while you're out and about. In order to efficiently capture and save every new idea, detail, story line, etc., you need to download some new apps to your iPhone. The list below will help you research, brainstorm, write, and even publish your work whether you're at home, at the office, or in the middle of daily errands. Check em out.

Wikipanion brings the Wikipedia website to your phone's catalogue of apps. It is useful for quick research on the go. 

Evernote syncs to your desktop computer or tablet. That way, if you're making additions or edits to your work on your cell phone, you'll be able to work from your most recent version and you won't lose any new ideas. 

The Google Mobile app allows you to access Google (obviously) and you can use voice commands or search by images. 

The Voice Memos app comes pre-loaded on all iPhones. This is a fantastic tool for writers because sometimes, it's just easier to say your latest and greatest idea and have it recorded. 

Dragon Dictation transcribes whatever you say, instantly. 

Your phone's camera is an excellent resource. You can snap images or video and use them as inspiration when developing location, characters, or situations. 

Feeling stumped for a topic? Download the Idea Generator app. It will generate three words for you, which will hopefully spark some sort of creative idea, enabling you to get back to what you do best - writing! 

Creative Whack Pack delivers 84 interactive creative strategies to stimulate your brain and get you thinking creatively! 

Mindjet is perfect for writers who are very visual when they're developing their work. It allows you to create visual maps as you outline articles, characters, plot, and themes. has created the app Writing Prompt, which generates over 600 writing prompts and you can save your favorites. 

My Writing Spot is exactly that, a spot on your phone for you to write. On the app, you can easily access a dictionary or thesaurus and it will autosave all of your progress 

Office2 is ideal if you prefer to write in a word document. The app allows you to edit your Microsoft Word and Excel documents and is also compatible with Google Docs and MobileMe, so you'll be able to access everything from your phone.

Writer's Studio allows you to write, edit, and format an entire book on your phone. You can add images, graphics, and audio. 

WordCount is a very straight forward app. It counts your words and lets you know how long your piece is. 

Dropbox is a life saver. It backs up all of your files in real time, and saves 30 days worth of various versions. You'll never have to worry about whether or not you saved your latest and greatest piece because Dropbox will have already saved it before you could even worry about it. 

Byword is designed to make writing more enjoyable by giving you all the tools you need to write effectively and has keyboard shortcuts and word counters with live updates. The app allows you to sync your work, export it, and publish to the web platform of your choice. 

Contour is the award-winning story development system that streamlines the process of turning your movie ideas from first glimmer to full outline. 

A Novel Idea is the premier tool for plotting your story and recording bursts of inspiration. You can create your characters, setting, scenes, ideas, and link them together to create your story. 

Story Tracker makes keeping track of your submitted stories, novels, poems, scripts, and articles easy. 

Pages, Apples highly rated cloud-centric word processing app, will let writers seamlessly access and work on documents on their iPhone, iPad and Macintosh, storing them securely in the cloud. Pages has hooks built in to let you easily export your work to Word or PDF (or plain text or .mobi). 

Index Card for iPad is a must for serious writers or screenwriters working in Scrivener. You can work on elements of your Scrivener project on the iPad in Index Card files, then fairly easily sync them back to the Scrivener project. This is a pretty good workaround to the fact that an iOS version of Scrivener is not yet available. 

The Bottom Line: Download some new apps today to ensure no writing material, ideas, or concepts are ever lost again. You can brainstorm, write, edit, and share while you're on the go. There’s no need to be chained to a PC again!  

Be sure to let me know if you have a favorite app for authors and I’ll include it on an updated version of this article. 

About Book Publicist Scott Lorenz

Book publicist Scott Lorenz is President of Westwind Communications, a public relations and marketing firm that has a special knack for working with authors to help them get all the publicity they deserve and more. Lorenz works with bestselling authors and self-published authors promoting all types of books, whether it's their first book or their 15th book. He's handled publicity for books by CEOs, CIA Officers, Navy SEALS, Homemakers, Fitness Gurus, Doctors, Lawyers and Adventurers. His clients have been featured by Good Morning America, FOX & Friends, CNN, ABC News, New York Times, Nightline, TIME, PBS, LA Times, USA Today, Washington Post, Woman's World, & Howard Stern to name a few.

Learn more about Westwind Communicationsbook marketing approach at  or contact Lorenz at or by phone at 734-667-2090. Follow Lorenz on Twitter @aBookPublicist

Sunday, November 9, 2014

How Authors Can Use Listmania to Promote Their Book

My colleague and book publicist, Scott Lorenz of Westwind Communications offered to share some valuable advice on promoting your book.

Whether you're a published author or an emerging writer, you'll find his advice helpful.

As a book publicist I am always on the lookout for effective inexpensive ways to reach book buyers. One way is to tap into the power of Amazon by using Listmania lists. How?

Listmania is a free marketing tool that allows all Amazon account holders to create a list of their favorite things such as books. It is ideal for authors to list their own book on their list along with other books in the same genre to gain from their popularity and association. For example if you have a book similar to Harry Potter then listing that book along with your book and other similar books, your book can benefit at as it may show up on Google, Bing and Amazon searches.

Here’s how to create a Listmania list on Amazon:

Click the “Edit Your Profile” button on the top right-hand corner of the page.

Click the “Lists” tab in the Contributions section of Your Profile.

Click the “Create your first one now” link or “Manage your Listmania Lists” link if you already have existing lists.

Provide the requested information for your list and click the Preview button to review your list and Publish list when you are finished.

Here’s the information you’ll be asked to enter:

Name Your List: Make it searchable by keywords, other bestselling authors’ names or book titles

Your qualifications: Your qualifications should be a description of why you’re an expert in the subject of your list.

Introduction: You can add an optional introductory paragraph to describe the list.

Add tags: This allows you to add keywords that help others discover your list.

Add Your Book: This is the core of your list. You can add anything from the book listings on; (you can add anything on Amazon for that matter)

“Authors often use Listmania as a way to promote their own titles while grouping them with similar books. It is clever, discreet and effective” said Rosanne Dingli, author of Death of Malta and According to Luke.

“My Listmania is a definitive listing of China photo books that were exhaustively compiled from every genre, from mass-market coffee table books to independently-published eccentricity,” said Tom Carter, author of China: Portrait of a People. His book is considered the most comprehensive book of photography about modern China, and it’s listed with other books in the photojournalism genre.

According to Anna Weber, a literary strategist, “Authors can ask others to list their book on their own Listmania and – if in good taste professionally, to secure recommendations from other readers who are looking for new books to read and purchase.”

Most authors are unaware of this inexpensive and valuable promotional service but should become familiar with it. By creating a list, and adding their own book, the author should also add their competition to the list. It is ideal for the author to create a list with his or her book listed along with the genre competition before someone else creates a similar list without that particular author’s book listed.

“I never understood the exposure Listmania provides each book on a list…it is invaluable. Eventually I saw how often my lists started popping up all over Amazon, and how my book was now appearing under “suggested reading” on other books’ product pages, I realized that Listmania was an untapped goldmine of free and effective book promotion,” adds Carter.

Whether you are a well-known author or self-publishing your first book, Listmania is an economical way for you to promote your book.

The Bottom Line: Listmania gives authors free exposure leading to more sales and recognition. Make a Listmania list TODAY!

Book publicist Scott Lorenz is President of Westwind Communications, a public relations and marketing firm that has a special knack for working with authors to help them get all the publicity they deserve and more. Lorenz works with bestselling authors and self-published authors promoting all types of books, whether it's their first book or their 15th book. He's handled publicity for books by CEOs, CIA Officers, Navy SEALS, Homemakers, Fitness Gurus, Doctors, Lawyers and Adventurers. His clients have been featured by Good Morning America, FOX & Friends, CNN, ABC News, New York Times, Nightline, TIME, PBS, LA Times, USA Today, Washington Post, Woman's World, & Howard Stern to name a few.

Learn more about Westwind Communicationsbook marketing approach at   or contact Lorenz at or by phone at 734-667-2090. Follow Lorenz on Twitter @aBookPublicist

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How Book Shepherds Can Help Authors

Today's post is an article by my guest, Scott Lorenz, President of Westwind Communications who talks about book shepherds (Truth be told, this is new info for me).

I recommend authors look into hiring a book shepherd for a current or upcoming writing and publishing project. A book shepherd is someone whose expertise in books and publishing will help you throughout the entire book process. From cover art, editing, dealing with Amazon to locating a printer, a book shepherd will assist you from start to finish.  

I am a proponent of using a book shepherd because there are so many things to know about in the book publishing process and so much is swiftly changing its extremely difficult to keep up with it all. It takes a person with experience to guide you along the way and that’s what a book shepherd does. Hiring a guide is a concept that’s been working for humankind for thousands of years. If you were going to a foreign land and wanted to see and do as much as you could would you read a guide book or hire someone to show you? Consider yourself fortunate if you can afford a book shepherd as it is well worth the money spent.

Dan Poynter recently compiled a comprehensive list of book shepherds. At the top of his list is Shel Horowitz who explains his role: “Basically, I walk unpublished writers through the process of becoming well-published authors. I start by helping them determine if they should publish traditionally, self-publish, or subsidy publish--and then help them complete all the steps for their choice, then work with them on the marketing as the book nears completion.”
Tanya Hall is a unique book shepherd in that she works for a national publisher/distributor. “So instead of working in a vacuum without any up-to-the-minute feedback on trends, pitches, etc like most book shepherds operate, I have the luxury of a sales force and team of experts behind me to guide the direction I give to my clients. Most of our clients “in development” go through an editorial project development phase, followed by any number of services ranging from design to printing to (if accepted for publication/distribution by our review committee) distribution and marketing.” For more information, visit her website
The Bottom Line: If you can afford to spend a few hundred to a few thousand dollars on a book shepherd, I highly suggest you do so as it will help save your sanity! There are so many exciting changes in the book publishing business it’s practically impossible to keep up with them all. The book shepherd will help you through the entire process or just a piece of the process where you need it.
Check out this audio interview about book shepherds I did with Clark Covington at this link:
For more information you can contact Scott at:Westwind Communications
1310 Maple Street
Plymouth, MI 48170
Office: 734-667-2090
Cell: 248-705-2214